ASTROLOGY Your bridge to the stars Christopher Harwood

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VOR / DME Air beacon
Seaford Head, East Sussex

A possible answer could be that they are intended as a means of communication between the earth and unknown cosmic forces, possibly some kind of homing beacon. In the modern world there are many such devices, notable examples being air navigation beacons. These are often fairly large structures dotted around the countryside especially on the approaches to airports. The VOR beacon situated on Seaford Head golf course in Sussex is a good example. It stands over 4m high and about 15m in diameter. Consisting of a standing circle of elements with a central core and surrounded by a circular dish at about half height making it look a bit like a flying saucer from a distance.

In principle its construction is similar in design to that of the standing monoliths of Stonehenge with its altar stone in the centre. The frequency of crop circles in the area suggests that they are linked. Could it be that some kind of charge is received by the stone circles and then relayed outwards or are they intended more as an amplifier or transponder device which responds to a query from a distant source allowing what or whoever is making the circles to locate their position accurately in order to send their message to earth. I believe it is something like this.

The land zodiacs were messages in the language of astrology, having a particular purpose perhaps indicating to the people of earth who were able to understand, that the world and its inhabitants do not exist in isolation and are under the guidance of cosmic forces. Forces not just of the sun, moon and planets but also of the stars themselves and beyond. Crop circles however seem to be different, their messages are thought to be in the language of mathematics some of it in obscure Euclidian theorems and others mimicking computer fractals and elements expressing 4th dimensional processes in quantum physics.

Some think that the messages come from extra terrestrials associated with particular star groups. Both the great star Arcturus in the constellation of Bootes and the Pleiades have been mentioned. That of course is open to speculation but the story they seem to want to take is that because the earth has entered a new and potentially catastrophic phase re climate change and the degradation of the planet that extra terrestrials or even divine forces could be about to intervene in a major way. Who knows? One thing however is clear, both of these phenomena exist. Part of the Sagittarius figure in the Glastonbury zodiac can be identified fairly easily from above using an ordnance map and any aerial photography program. The rest are somewhat more challenging but with deeper analysis comparing their outlines on the existing ordnance maps of the area and the program image they can be traced.

To Japanese