ASTROLOGY Your bridge to the stars Christopher Harwood

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 I believe it is possible that planetary influence comes to us by resonance being generated in the Sun’s field, a resonance that could explain why ultimately all planetary movements reflect back to the sun itself thus giving validity to Sun sign astrology in that the sun’s field contains all planetary information within its sphere. Vibrations in magnetic fields can cause harmonic vibrations in adjacent fields, but what is resonance? Resonance is the capacity to convert a very small input into a very large output. If a snowball is rolled down a mountain it grows in size and rolls faster and faster until in the end it can cause an avalanche. Likewise if the rim of a wine glass is rubbed round with the finger, first it starts to ring and in the end, the vibration can become so intense that the glass shatters.

The solar magnetic field and IMF seen along the solar equatorial plane

This is resonance and in technical terms the same effect occurs in an amplifier when a small signal input is received and then converted by the resonant circuits within to achieve a much larger output. Adjacent magnetic fields vibrating harmonically can cause resonance in each other and transfer information between them. A simple example is the old cassette recorder. When pre-magnetized tape is passed over the recording heads the tape’s field is impregnated by information from the amplifier field, which can be stored or played back. The amplifier field resonates and causes a corresponding effect in the tape’s field via the process of magnetic induction.

Earth's Magnetosphere

 I believe that the same process is occurring between the IMF and the Earth’s own field. Resonant information from distant planets, perhaps of their mass, orbital velocity, constitution and maybe more already contained within the IMF, is then transferred to the Earth’s field by the same process of magnetic induction. This information of course can only be in the form of weak signals from space but the Earth’s field itself is both electrically charged and resonant, with a base line frequency of 7.8 Hz. so it does have the ability to act as an amplifier.

Bow wave and wake of a cross channel ferry

Bow wave and wake

 The Sun of course affects the Earth in direct ways. From the Sun comes heat, light, cosmic radiation and indeed magnetism not to mention the Sun’s gravity which in combination with the Moon pulls the tides and all living things. This is because living things, we included are made up mostly of water and therefore subject to the same tidal influences that affect the oceans. Equally, the Sun directly affects the Earth’s magnetic field and there are frequent magnetic storms especially during sunspot activity. Charged solar wind particles that do penetrate our magnetosphere are trapped in the Earth’s field and concentrated near the magnetic poles. There they manifest as visible light in the night sky at high latitudes. The aurora effect.

 What I would like to consider now is an idea that at all times, the earth’s field is constantly being impregnated with planetary information from space via the IMF which is then absorbed and amplified by the Earth itself. These amplified magnetic imprints, which correspond to the planets’ positions in the sky, are always present, constantly in motion and although the influence of Sun and Moon are direct due to their gravity, their magnetic imprint works in the same way. Indeed in the case of the Moon, the latest research indicates that the passage of the moon in its orbit disturbs the Earth’s own field in a major way, similar to that of the IMF.

 I would like to introduce here the idea of hyper- magnetism that is to say a level of magnetism always linked to the core and obeying the same laws of physics but containing subtle components currently beyond the range of instruments but possibly within the range of detection of the brain or indeed the psyche. For example, certain birds and animals exhibit strong directional capabilities. They are thought to be able to sense the Earth’s field in such a way that they can navigate accurately over huge distances even at night.

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